The Abstract Refinery // Course
Level Up in Your Abstract Art and Create Excellent Paintings that People Want to Buy
I'm READY for ThisThis incredible course is currently closed.
But hooray! You can access several of the classes inside the Art to heal a Heart Membership Library! Click Here.
Journey with me for a moment here:
Imagine...walking up to a massive canvas and skilfully (and joyfully) smashing out an incredibly stunning artwork that feels truly authentic and takes your breath away.
Imagine...hanging your magnificent artwork in your home and being reminded evey day what beauty is within and has been created from you.
And now imagine...sharing your gorgeous art on socials and receiving DMs of folks asking to buy.
In truth, this is no longer an imagined reality for me and it doesn't have to be for you either.
But it wasn't always like this.
For years, I didn't feel like there was any momentum in my art-making and selling.
❌ I lacked confidence and procrastinated from painting
❌ Was terrified of failing and always thought I'd be waisting my art supplies
❌ If anyone asked to purchase one of the few pieces I managed to squeeze out I felt SO AWKWARD pricing it (especially when every price seemed too high to ask)
❌ I felt emotionally deflated, like I couldn't take any more failure (especially when art supplies are so expensive!)
❌ And as a busy mom of four my energy and time spend was dwindling out
I was downhearted and disconnected from my creativity.
I knew I HAD to figure out a way to feel good in the painting process.
I just knew there was something more to this creative process..something I wasn't "getting".
There was this longing inside of me every time I would see other people's beautiful big artworks. I felt a cry resounding from deep in my heart, crying for Something More.
It was loudest at 4am.
I had to find a way.
And - OH JOY!
What I learned is even repeatable and shareable and just keeps on expanding.
Journey with me over 6 months and I will share E V E R Y T H I N G with you.
This is how The Abstract Refinery Course was born.
Now this signature experience IS for you if you are:
✅ an artist who yearns to take their art to the 🎉Next Level🎉
✅ experiencing blocks in your art making that you just can't seem to move through
✅ desiring confidence in pricing and selling your art anxiety-free
✅ wanting to find YOUR own unique art style that makes you stand out
✅ sick and tired of feeling stuck in your creative process (and maybe life at large)
✅ having trouble with imposter syndrome
✅ not sure where to direct your energy and resources to get your art really cracking
✅ longing for a merciful and supportive community of INSPIRING like-minds to journey with?
I'll be guiding you through 12 weeks of both ART MAKING and MINDSET processes so you can see the brilliance you are capable of.
And this is my joy! (I am actually your Art Mom who believes in you and wants the best for you)
Just listen to what my students are saying.
Even more love for The Abstract Refinery Course plus some sensational showcases...
Ready to learn about how exactly we get results like this? This is how we'll do it.
Phase 1 | Unearth YOUR Art
- I'll share exercises which teach you how to strengthen your intuition and find the wonderful art that you are capable of
- I'll show you step by step how to paint, journal, test, explore and what to watch out for as you unearth your unique artistic signature
- You'll learn to SEE and analyse like never before
- You'll learn all my processes, paint mixtures and techniques to try for yourself
- We'll commune inside an exclusive Facebook Group where I'll help you analyse your art and answer your questions in a LIVE ‘Ask Ange Anything’ session each week (Thursdays at 6am AEDT/AEST)
Phase 2 | Refine Your Findings
- I'll guide you through processing richly so you get CLARITY and purpose around the art that is calling to you from deep inside yourself.
- I'll share over 12 hours of unedited demonstrations so you see my process in real-time and hear all my thoughts and decision-making so you can move CONFIDENTLY through your own art process.
- You will learn how to embellish and heighten the effect of your art to make it REALLY POP. I'll show you how to make your art eye-catchingly EXCELLENT.
- I'll guide you through sharing confidently and effectively on social media channels so you can find others who are excited about your art.
Phase 3 | Consolidate & Scale
- You'll know exactly how to make HUGE and IMPACTFUL art with confidence.
- I will guide you through how to share your process so you can generate a following of potential buyers
- We'll buffer your mind with important truths to keep you confident and authoritative in navigating getting your art OUT THERE.
- You'll learn how to create a beautiful body of cohesive work that can form a solid portfolio for prizes, gallery application and solo exhibitions.
Phase 4 | Pricing & Distribution
- You'll learn how to price your art so you can grow your business viably
- I'll show you my organic and powerful process of connecting with art buyers
- You'll learn my superpower mindset hacks so you can grow in positivity and enthusiasm no matter what successes and failures may come.
- I'll teach you how to launch your collection, which tools to use and I'll share selected collections with my audience.
- You'll have CLARITY on where to focus next to continue growing your art and art business with whole-heartedness.
This experience is NOT for:
❌ anyone NOT struggling with clarity around developing and promoting their unique art style
❌ those who are confident with pricing and selling their art
❌ people who uphold perfectionism and are too afraid to make a mess
❌ anyone who dislikes me or my art or the things I talk about
❌ artists who are completely confident in their art making and vision
❌ not for you if you hate Australian accents - haha
So what’s actually included?
In this 6 month Container of Art-and-Soul-Refining You Will Get:
✨Ongoing access to the course content (once unlocked each week lessons are self-paced and available to revisit for ever)
✨Ongoing access to support and community in the Facebook Group (forever as long as Facebook exists and I'm telling you - this group is INCREDIBLE)
✨Tailored support and advice from me (Ange) via weekly Ask Ange Anything sessions in the Facebook group for the duration of the course (THIS STARTS AGAIN IN FEB 2024).
✨Printable material to assist you in analysing your art through the lessons to support powerful momentum and growth
You get ALL OF THIS for only $697 USD.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get started now!
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
Course Curriculum
StartWelcome + Hello
StartList of Materials
StartSetting Up To Process (How This Will Work)
StartThe Most Powerful Tool of All (Intuitive Journal)
StartPowerful Warm-up Exercises
StartCommunity + Support
StartJoin the Weekly LIVE Ask Ange Anything
StartREPLAY - Special Zoom Q&A Dec 14, 2023
StartZoom REPLAYS 2024
Your Instructor
I grew up in rural hub country town Tamworth, NSW, Australia with productive parents who brought forth 7 children. In High School I remember largely feeling misplaced. When we would have career path advisory days and other students would be abuzz with gathering information for chasing their particular Dream Job; I floated aimlessly, wondering if I should just find a rich man and have his babies.
Wandering through life is the best way of describing the next 20 years. I did find a rich man. Not rich in monetary wealth but rich in spirit and purpose. I had four of his babies. But Something always kept me floating around... I knew there was Something More that I was missing. There was Something More to this. I have always been an artist, and the escape my creativity provided was definitely a vital harbour in the emotional storm.
It wouldn't be until my 40th birthday that I would realise why I was so lost in that school hall on Career Path Advisory days.
There was no banner with "Advocate for Humanity's Creative Identity".
No Banner with "Whole Hearted Searcher and Tester"
Not even a banner with "Artist/ Creative/ Entrepreneur"!!!
You see, it was creative expression which kept me intact through years of depression caused by the confusion of my purpose.
At the end of my rope, my spirit cried out and at the same time I was convicted that I must search harder, deeper, more purposefully and with all my heart.
In the most subtle but powerful way Creativity reassured me of my Name. Not "Ange", but the name too deep for words. The name of my spirit. It's too deep for words so I must use paint, actions, songs and love to speak it and understand it. To know my value.
Rewinding several years before this time I was employed as a lecturer at Avondale College University. I facilitated Lab in Painting & Drawing for 1st and 2nd year Bachelor students.
As I searched, I bounced things off my students and tested my findings with crafted curriculum and unique approaches.
Over the years of whole-hearted searching I came to realise for myself AND for my students that our Creative Identity had been imposed upon by the common value system which promotes Performance and Product over search and expression. This has enabled a creative confidence deficit in much of the population.
People are disconnected from their creative truth.
This enables competition, greed, desperation, anxiety, depression, narcissism, irresponsibility, oppression, emotional trauma and suicide.
What I stand on is make-or-break for me.
It has empowered such value, purpose, joy and goodness in my life regardless of circumstance.
This is the basis for my teaching.
So if you only want techniques, sorry (but not sorry).
There will be an ever-unfurling supply of training starting from here.
And I am SO EXCITED to see what ripples out from this little spot on the world wide web. Your feedback means SO MUCH TO ME!
If this teaching answers the call of your heart's cry for FREEDOM, please reach out and let me know!